Loom Alpha 4.0 - UX Updates and More Nodes

Loom Alpha 4.0 Change-Log 

Key Changes

UI and UX improvements

Loom now looks much more modern without replacing that console-like feel that was there before. You'll notice that the UI will also feel more consistent than previously.


The IF/ELSE node is basically an if statement. The main thing to understand about them is that the inputs support code-like expressions. 

Selection Box

You can now click and drag to select multiple boxes at a time. Right now all you can do is move them but more functionality will be coming in a future update

Performance Modes

Change the performance mode in View > Performance Mode. Lower performance modes run at a lower resolution and have certain visual features turned off. This should help with running on PCs with slower CPUs.

Smaller Changes

Asynchronous GPT3 and Code nodes

GPT3 and Code nodes can now execute asynchronously on a separate threads. GPT3 nodes have this always enabled and Code Nodes have a new checkbox to enable async.

Log Nodes "Wait for new entry" option

If this checkbox is checked, the Log Node will wait for a new entry before marking it's output node as ready. THIS WILL BREAK THE CYCLICAL ABILITY OF THE LOG NODE. Do not use this option if any of the nodes that requires it's output are before the node in the execution order or else a possible infinite loop could happen. Only use if the Log node is "feeding forward" only.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue that would cause Loom to use much more memory than it actually needed.

Known Issues:

-  Sometimes a UI element will display with missing features or sub elements. If this happens to you, reload the file until the all of the nodes look correct.


Thank you for your interest in Loom. It has come a long way from Alpha 1 but there is still much further it can go. I eventually plan to release instructions on how to use Loom as an API or extension of your own project so stay tuned for that. For anyone curious, I have confirmed that Loom can be used to deploy to a containerized app and run headless on a Ubuntu server. I'll release a tutorial on how I accomplished that in the near to not-so near future. Thanks again!


Loom 25 MB
Version 8 Nov 15, 2021

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